Monday, May 11, 2009

Third Assignment - Typography Portrait

Our third assignment was to create a self portrait while implementing 5 aspects of ourself through text and imagery. The five aspect I chose were Quite, Pessimistic, Thinks Ahead, Science-Fiction and Humorous.

I started by taking a number of pictues of myself and designed how I could incorporate each aspect into ach picture. After choosing one I silhouetted it and proceded to place each aspect.

Quite was placed in my hair with a simmilair font color to make it difficult to see.

Pessimistic was inniitially placed near the transparent portion of the neck.

Thinks Ahead was represented by a thought bubble with a Lightbulb in it.

Science-Fiction was initiallly represented by a little UFO but I opted to change it to a Police Public Call Box, the signature TARDIS of the television series "Doctor Who", an almost 50 year old Science Fiction franchise because I felt it represented it better. It also give it a bit more of a curious look.

Humour was supposed to be represnted by the outline of a lauging face simmilair to those you would see on theatre masks. But no matter how many variations I used it always end up looking more scary then humuor. Ultimatley I opted for a more cartoony smile.

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